Modifying Your CEO Toolbox Webinar Series
Is your business experiencing pain points specific to COVID-19? Do you have the right tools to deal with them?
If you are a business owner with at least 5 employees located in Lake or Geauga counties (NOTE-Now Open to all Ohio Business Owners) and have multiple layers of management, then these five free webinar workshops can help you develop the knowledge and resources to overcome the issues that may be slowing down your business' recovery. By participating in these unique sessions each week, you will be provided with direct access to consultants and professionals who can help you expand the tools in your toolbox so you can become more confident and efficient at running your business. These workshops will help you:
*Develop the knowledge to speed up your business recovery.
*Provide you with direct access to professionals with key expertise.
*Develop fresh ideas around human capital, cash flow, inventory, time management and future preparedness.
*Get your questions answered and share best practices with other business owners.
Workshop #1: May 28 at 8:30am: Impact on Human Capital: Leveraging Strengths, Compliance, Resources and Links
Workshop #2: June 4 at 8:30am: Financial Performance and Cash Flow: Receivables, Payables, Maintain and Increase Revenues, Capitalize on Cost Savings and Loans
Workshop #3: June 11 at 8:30am: Stress Test Policy and Procedures: Safety Protocols, Expectations and Anxieties, How to Communicate, Changes to Workflow Procedures, Validations, Mindset of Customers, and Mindset of Vendors
Workshop #4: June 18 at 8:30am: Sales Cycle and Inventory: Time Frame for orders, Inventory Levels, What to Consider and Vendor Inventories
Workshop #5: June 25 at 8:30am: Disaster Recovery Plan: 1.Identify- Goals, Critical Business Functions and Hazards 2.Plan- Impact Analysis, Emergency Response and Procedures, Communication, Continuity Plan and Prevention 3.Implement-Risk Management, Training, Testing, and Allocation of Resources. 4.Recover-Strategies, Insurance and SBA Disaster Assistance.
Deadline to register is May 27, 2020 by 2pm. Only one registration required for all five webinar invitations. Entrance to these webinars is limited and in order to receive the webinar invitations, your registration will be reviewed to meet the minimum requirements of being a small business located in either Lake County or Geauga County (Note-Now Open to all Ohio Business Owners) and have employees. If you are not located in Geauga County or Lake County and would still like to attend, please email and we can place you on a registration waiting list to be added if room allows since this series is interactive. These workshops will be hosted by Geagua Growth Partnership and moderated by David Levy of Corporate Support Services and Solutions Group. Each session will run for 60 to 90 minutes. Organized and Sponsored by the Ohio SBDC at Lakeland Community College.
Fee: No Cost