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How to Become a Financially Free Entrepreneur

Thu, Sep 15 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Topic: Business Planning

It takes money to start and grow a business. It takes planning to achieve financial freedom. This is the reason why planning your financial strategy as soon as possible is so important as an entrepreneur. When you become financially free, you can have that peace of mind, mental focus, and determination to do what you love to do without worrying about your future. In this seminar, Expert Financial Wellness Educator, Lea May Majer, PD, of Majer Investments, will discuss the following topics:

· Finding freedom, personal success story
· Initial concerns: money reserves, debt, legalities
· The “look” of financial freedom for business owners
· Independent Contractor vs. Employee
· Tax benefits of 1099
· Health benefit options
· Life insurance – term vs whole life
· Retirement – options: 401K, SEP IRA, Solo 401K
· Benefit of deductions as a business owner
· Options for savings – municipal bond funds
· Debt consolidation
· Credit score for best interest rates
· Legal Protection Services
· Invest to avoid taxes
· Essential accounts for entrepreneur
· Second stream of income for business start-ups

This seminar is organized by the Ohio Small Business Development Center at Lakeland Community College.

This seminar training takes place in person at Lakeland's Holden University Center. Registration deadline is Wednesday, September 14, 2022 at 1pm.

Speaker(s): Lea May Majer, PD, Owner of Majer Investments

Fee: No Cost

Phone: 440-525-7706


Holden University Center at Lakeland Community College
Holden University Center
Holden University Center at Lakeland Community College, 4242 St. Rt. 306, Kirtland, Ohio
Small Business Development Centers of Ohio U.S. Small Business Administration America's Small Business Development Center Network Ohio Department of Development
Funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration. The Ohio SBDC program is also funded in part by the Ohio Development Services Agency. All opinions, conclusions or recommendations expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the SBA. Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities will be made if requested at least two weeks in advance. For arrangements, call the Ohio SBDC at 614-466-2711 or (800) 848-1300.
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