Small Business Loan Resources and Networking Event
Do you require financial assistance to start a business or grow an existing business? Securing small business loans can be challenging, but help is available. Join us for our Loan Resources and Networking Event where experts from the SBDC, Geauga Growth Partnership, Geauga County Economic Development, the SBA, Middlefield Bank and Growth Capital will provide information on where to find help, types of lending programs, and tips on how to obtain financing. Plus, Network with other Business Owners, Resource Organizations and Lenders in the Community! It's FREE to attend!
Event Agenda:
*3 to 3:30p.m.: Networking
*3:30p.m. to 4:30p.m.: Program of Presenters
*4:30p.m. to 5:30p.m: Q and A and Individual Discussions with Presenters
Coffee, Water and Snacks included Sponsored by Growth Capital and The Middlefield Banking Co.
Organized by the Ohio SBDC at Lakeland Community College in partnership with Geauga Growth Partnership.
This Event is Hosted by Geauga County Economic Development and is located at the Geauga County Administrative Building, 12611 Ravenwood Dr., 3rd Floor, Chardon, OH 44024.
Deadline to register is October 16, 2023.
Speaker(s): *Anita Stocker, Business Advisor specializing in finance at Ohio SBDC at Lakeland C.C. *Kimm Leininger, President of Geauga Growth Partnership, Inc. *Gina M. Hofstetter, Director of Geauga County Community & Economic Development *Dawn M. Huber, VP and Commercial Lender at The Middlefield Banking Company *Thomas R. Sangrik, Business Development and Lender Relations, U.S. SBA in Cleveland *John Kropf, Executive Director and President, Growth Capital Corp.
Fee: No Cost